Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi First Impression

Beware of bias.

Honestly, I think I've seen enough of fanservice for a lifetime and when I saw the one moment on fanservice in the entire episodes I just snapped. Seriously, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE CLOSE-UP PINK PANTIES WITH LOVE HEARTS ON THEM. Not to mention and glowing to make it even more in your face. That kind of just made me annoyed for the rest of the episode so I didn't really enjoy it as much as I probably would've if I didn't spend the earlier part of the day watching Seikon no Qwaser.

Pardon the rant.

In all seriousness, this episode was nothing more than your average formulaic start to a harem. I have nothing against harems and the minimal fanservice in the first episode leaves me a little more satisfied than with Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai. The characters are all pretty much out of the book but they're decent except the male lead. But then again, who likes the male lead.. ever?

I'll keep watching in the hope of finding a decent harem like Kanon. At least I'm hoping this will be better than Shuffle and Clannad. Dearly hoping. I give this episode a 6/10 which by the way is much more than I scored it in my head last night.

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