Monday, April 18, 2011

Ao no Exorcist First Impression

It seems as if I'm the only one who didn't really find that this episode lived up to their expectations. It was one of my most anticipated for the spring season and it just really didn't impress me at all. It's a shame really. To put it simply, I just didn't feel that vibe from this episode (which is apparently non-cannon anyway). I got quite bored while watching this and paused several times to do other things. While the story is interesting and is a nice change from your typical shounen, the episode itself failed to capture my attention. I didn't find it awesome, epic or intense at all. Even during parts that had really good background music, it seemed so lifeless and emotionless to me. The way the events panned out, some of it was really predictable except the part where Rin is the son of Satan. Some of the events really should've triggered some sort of reaction inside me but I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was a big disappointment but I didn't hate it. I just hope it gets better. 6/10

The ED is also terrible. K-POP? SERIOUSLY? (Yes I'm mad.)

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