Monday, January 16, 2012

Inu x Boku SS First Impression

I see a light. What is it? IS THAT HOPE? I think it is.

The first episode is not a masterpiece. It's not even close to being close to a masterpiece but it's by far better than what I've seen so far (except Another). The main character was like a tsundere except she acknowledges her 'tsuntsun' side and wants to change it. Can't say I've ever the name for this archetype before but it's apparently 'tsunshun'. In any case, the premise of this series is unbelievably silly. She's moving away to live in isolation because she wasn't to learn how to better interact with people. Where is the logic in that?

I already feel like this series is not for everyone. The key to enjoying it is probably in being able to relate to Ririchiyo and the idea of wanting to change for the better, and I can, so I have a feeling I'll enjoy this show despite how.... strange.... it sounds.

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